 The Market

Lafayette, Indiana Self-Storage Offering

In 2023, the population in your selected geography is 129,753. The population has changed by 6.72 since 2010. It is estimated that the population in your area will be 133,966 five years from now, which represents a change of 3.2 percent from the current year. The current population is 51.9 percent male and 48.1 percent female. The median age of the population in your area is 26.2, compared with the U.S. average, which is 38.7. The population density in your area is 1,649 people per square mile.

There are currently 51,930 households in your selected geography. The number of households has changed by 11.32 since 2010. It is estimated that the number of households in your area will be 53,957 five years from now, which represents a change of 3.9 percent from the current year. The average household size in your area is 2.2 people.

In 2023, the median household income for your selected geography is $46,097, compared with the U.S. average, which is currently $68,480.The median household income for your area has changed by 30.30 since 2010. It is estimated that the median household income in your area will be $50,914 five years from now, which represents a change of 10.4 percent from the current year.

The current year per capita income in your area is $28,819, compared with the U.S. average, which is $39,249. The current year’s average household income in your area is $68,473, compared with the U.S. average, which is $100,106.

In 2023, 59,512 people in your selected area were employed. The 2010 Census revealed that 61.6 percent of employees are in white-collar occupations in this geography, and 18 percent are in blue-collar occupations. In 2023, unemployment in this area was 4.0 percent. In 2010, the average time traveled to work was 18.00 minutes.

The median housing value in your area was $191,721 in 2023, compared with the U.S. median of $268,796. In 2010, there were 21,093.00 owner-occupied housing units and 25,555.00 renter-occupied housing units in your area.

The selected area in 2023 had a higher level of educational attainment when compared with the U.S averages. 19.4 percent of the selected area’s residents had earned a graduate degree compared with the national average of only 12.7 percent, and 22.7 percent completed a bachelor’s degree, compared with the national average of 20.2 percent.

The number of area residents with an associate degree was lower than the nation’s at 6.9 percent vs. 8.5 percent, respectively.

The area had fewer high-school graduates, 24.8 percent vs. 26.9 percent for the nation. The percentage of residents who completed some college is also lower than the average for the nation, at 17.1 percent in the selected area compared with the 20.1 percent in the U.S.

• Lafayette, Indiana Self-Storage Offering – Located Less Than Three Miles Northeast of Purdue University
• 150,888 Net Rentable Square Feet
• 25,880 Net Rentable Square Feet of Interior Drive-Up Self Storage
• Room for Expansion: Approx. 4 Acres for Additional Development
• 158 Interior Drive-Up Self Storage, Nine Exterior Drive-Up Units, 36 Warehouse Spaces, Seven Commercial Spaces, 137 Covered/Interior Parking Spaces, and 96 Uncovered Parking Spaces
• Undersaturated Market: 6.46 Net Rentable Square Feet Per Capita Within a Three-Mile Population
• Dense Area: 63,715 People Living Within a Three Mile Radius & 129,753 People Living Within a Five Mile Radius
• Population has Increased by Over Six Percent Since the Year 2010 Within a Five Mile Radius

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